


Recipient Criteria

Who Qualifies For An S4S Campaign

At Sponsor 4 Success Inc. we seek to support specific funding requests that would enable individuals to enhance their educational and socio-economic status. We do this by working closely with individuals and organizations on specific/discreet short-term projects such as: book/school supply, educational equipment drives, group/individual sponsorship or scholarships for participation in academic or sports related programs/tournaments etc.

To be eligible to run a campaign on the Sponsor 4 Success site, you must meet the below listed criteria which is reviewed and approved by S4S Board Of Directors:

    1. You should come from an under-served community not limited to a specific geography
    2. You should already be on a path toward success (i.e. earning good grades, enrolled in college, participate in extracurricular activities,etc.)
    3. You or your parents should demonstrate financial challenges beyond your control
    4. You must have a specific goal you are trying to achieve (i.e. take an educational tour, enroll in after school programs, purchase books for school etc.)
**What S4S does not do is provide funding for general program use i.e. give money to a general fund, individual personal expense such as utility bills, mortgage payments, rent, car payments etc.**

What We Expect From You:

    - To participate in promoting your own campaign via social media and offline
    - To get your friends and family involved in supporting your campaign
    - To communicate with the people that contribute to your campaign keeping them up to date on your progress
    - Once funded provide us with information and pictures of how the funds are being used
    - Stay involved with S4S after the campaign is completed and funds are received


When running an active campaign on Sponsor 4 Success, receipients can not run campaigns on competiting crowdfunding websites (i.e. gofundme, kickstarter, youcaring, donorschoose etc.)